British literature and context on Renaissance Era literature

 In Unit 1 of this Block you learned that the English court during the Renaissance was the arena not only of political decision-making but also of literary activity. Explain, with suitable examples, how the English court influenced the creation and reception of poetry during this age.

(about 700-800 words)

To answer this, first of all, we need to have some pre-information about

1. Renaissance age 

2. English court (i.e. king's court at that time)

3. Literature activities at that time

4. How poetry of the Elizabethan age influenced by the court

The answer has to be given in 700 to 800 words, you should divide each section such as introduction, rest part in around 200 words each

The Renaissance period ranges from the 14th century to the 17th century. This period acted as a bridge between the middle age and the modern age. British did the global exploration, connected with the various lands, countries and cultures across the world and connected with these different cultures. The beginning of renaissance started in Italy. From Italy, it soon spread to the whole world. John Milton, William Shakespeare are few prominent poets and from the literature background from the era. 

The situation of the society during the Elizabethan period seen a drastic change. English population doubled in England. The country witnessed inflation, the rent system followed, the industrial and agricultural revolution happened, the population started to move towards the city, wages decreased. The court's power decreased due to society, insecurity. Charles, I lost its' subject's confidence.

  You may take idea from following link:

This states influence of the court. You may add example from the poetry in the syllabus
